ping pong

So i like to consider myself as pretty athletically inclined. I was a competitive gymnast and diver and was on my high schools ski team, i’ve dabbled in soccer and am an avid golfer.Not to mention a pretty kick ass air hockey component. So when my friends and I decided to test out a new ping pong bar in the city, i underestimated how hard it was really going to be. Let’s just say you wont  be seeing me at the summer olympics anytime soon.

When ping pong bars starting opening up in Toronto, I was so excited and eager to visit. Sadly I never seemed to get around to doing it but when Serve opened up in Hamilton a couple of months ago I knew it was finally my time to shine. I imagined by friends and i playing hardcore ping pong like Forest Gump … sadly that was not the case. Instead balls were flying everywhere! To our defence we had sipped on a couple adult beverages which i’m sure didn’t help our hand eye coordination haha.





*Best friend twinning

cheers to pink tea

As an avid watcher of the show “You Gotta Eat Here” there have been many episodes where i’ve said to myself “I NEED TO GO THERE!”But one restaurant in particular always stood out to me, or should i say one item on their menu always stood out to me and yup you guessed it, it’s the PINK tea. Lets be serious it’s not everyday you can order a cup of pink tea off a menu. Thankfully my best friend Marie also shared the same enthusiasm as i did towards this beautiful cup of tea … (I guess thats why she is one of my best friends) so we finally decided to hunt down this restaurant and enjoy the elusive beverage. I wont kid you though we also ate heap loads of delicious food in the process. IMG_5903

There was a grand total of six people and i think we ordered enough food to feed a small village. The servers must have thought we were such amateurs. Thankfully the one couple lived in Toronto and they now have breakfast lunch and dinner figured out for the next week. I don’t think they’ll want to look at rice until 2017.


Then to cool off our palates we tried indian style ice cream served on a stick which came in pistachio and almond flavour. Let me just tell you how necessary that was,  by the end of my meal i felt like i could breathe fire!



no thanks to this lady and her crazy skewer of hotter then hell peppers!

IMG_5880All in all it was a success, i crossed off another “You Gotta Eat Here” restaurant and  sipped on delicious pink tea with some of my favourite people!

IMG_5888Cheers to PINK TEA


love at first sight

In my last post I mentioned how I was recently in Toronto and par took in in a lot of soup slurping. Well that’s not all I did … I also fell in love! I fell hard and fast and I haven’t been able to get this love of mine out of my head until recently.  That’s because my new lover is an article of clothing, a jacket to be exact. This beauty first caught my eye while browsing through J Crew, it literally took my breath away and I knew in that instant it had to be mine.

The price tag was a little steep so i played hard to get for a while and cyber stalked it online, until the moment was right and I knew what I had to do. I made the first move and clicked purchase! And it’s been happily ever after since Tuesday evening the night my jacket arrived.








*That’s how excited/ in love with this jacket I am*

Pho real

Pho is such a “pho”nonemal food dish I actually think I could eat it every day and not get sick of it. Which is why it won’t surprise you that poppa j and myself ventured into the big city just to get our hands on this delicious bowl of goodness. This soup is so scrumptious you crave it as soon as you’ve finished it. It doesn’t even give you time to miss it. Which is saying a lot because the bowl is literally the size of a small bath tub.


Is your mouth watering just starring at this photo? Mine is!


How about now?

It’s safe to say, as i’m writing this i’m fantasying about my next trip to the Noodle Bowl and spoonfuls of this heavenly dish

me and soup

crisis averted

Today i successfully avoided what could have been one my biggest regrets of the year and to that i need to thank my personal case of FOMO (fear of missing out). In Toronto currently or should i say the “6” something big is going down (The Blue Jays are in the playoffs) and it has consumed the ENITRE country, to put it lightly every single Canadian has jumped on the Blue Jay bandwagon. So naturally I have had a burning desire to attend a game in person at the Rogers Centre since they officially earned their playoff spot. I should note i have always been a casual fan so it’s not like i learned what an RBI was last week, i do have some baseball cred (key word some). So when my cousin called me up yesterday and asked if i wanted to attend game 5 a do or die game, of course i was super casual and was like yeah sure i think i can squeeze that into my schedule. Lets be serious i was more like HELLS YEAH MY PRAYES HAVE BEEN ANSWERED ( this was after her my dad and I watched game three together and they won) so obviously we are also their good luck charm and it was our civic duty to attend! If this had not been the case i would have been watching the game at home as per usual a whole lot envious of everyone in the crowd whipping their rally towels and chanting at the top of their lungs. All of which i knew would bring me so much joy. You will also soon come to learn i am easily excited, when most people are experiencing something on the excitement scale of six i’m guaranteed to be at a ten or above and tonight was no difference. This game has only left me jonesing for my next awesome experience and memorable moment.

Lets be serious though if the Jays make it to the World Series my FOMO will be at an all time record high so if anyone has connections to some tickets you know where to find me 😉

